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The activity focuses on ways of addressing basic needs and of households’ production in the family sector. A cooperative approach to identify felt needs and constraints in households, and the development of selected representatives from group projects are employed. This is intended to address the identified needs and constraints. Target groups are selected with two criteria in mind: Poverty orientation and the stimulation of agricultural markets. A sophisticated planning process, which includes phases of problem identification and problem solving, is completed before projects are implemented. The activity is intended to:

  • Reinforce dignity and food security on the one hand and reduce the growth of poverty on the other; provide community-based assistance with appropriate targeting of vulnerable farmers;

  • Have the participation of rural and urban people, particularly women and the underprivileged farmers in decisions and activities that influence their production capacities; strengthen international and national solidarity in the struggle against malnutrition, hunger and poverty;

  • Encourage cooperation among communities; improve access to appropriate cultivation, inputs and community agricultural infrastructure; promote the formation of voluntary farmers associations/cooperatives on a village basis; stimulate local market systems by providing support to emergent farmers, and traders; identify and support self-help efforts of the population and local NGOs; and identify the needs and requirements to build the capacity of local organic NGOs, and farmers group for sustainable participation in community projects.

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To achieve its objectives, our agriculture component provides funding and supports for the following:

​• Enhanced the production of Agriculture
• Organized and Built the Capacity of CBOs
• Developed Improved Farming System
• Increased Seed Rice Multiplication
• Increased Small holder Sales of Agricultural Production
• Increased Vegetable, Tuber and Root Production
• Restocking Livestock and Poultry
• Increased Fisheries Production
• Improved Domestic Product Quality
• Improved farming systems
• Established Farmer Field School  
• Promote Natural Resource Management

Specific Global Aid Direct agriculture programs focused on demand driven horticultural production, innovative post-harvest and marketing technologies, and the productivity of staple food crops, agricultural biotechnology, and increased access to agricultural credit and policy reforms to remove barriers to private agricultural enterprises that led to more liberal, competitive markets and the stimulation of sustainable agricultural growth. As a partial result of these activities, 2.3 million small and medium farmers will gain access to agricultural credit and over 17,000 irrigation structures will be built.  

The Global Aid Direct agriculture program is aimed at increasing agricultural production, productivity, and income through the adoption of improved technologies for the production, processing, and marketing of selected agricultural commodities. As such, it consist of three components: the identification and transfer of innovative and demand driven horticultural production, post-harvest, and marketing technologies to the private sector; support of a collaborative research program aimed at resolving constraints to increased productivity of rice, wheat, maize, etc.; and support for genetically engineered crop production to introduce stress and pest resistance into high value horticultural crops. Read more   Take me back
“Caring for People Threaten by Severe Hardship and Poverty and Those Victimized by Political Instability and Natural Disaster”